Buying a house same as finding a partner, says love guru

A matchmaking guru has likened house hunting to the quest for love, handing out advice to property agents who are trying to match clients up with their dream abode.

Relationships expert Rachel MacLynn points out that selling a house, like matchmaking, requires the agent to possess a rare skill, often involving juggling deeply personal and sometimes unrealistic search criteria.

MacLynn, considered by many to be the most knowledegable dating expert in Europe, has said that – like a relationship – a house purchase is something that will have a phenomenal effect on the client’s life and future.

The love expert, who founded luxury dating agency The Vida Consultancy, said clients often come to her with a wish list for their ideal partner, which is based on physical attributes and life experiences.

She said: “People looking for the dream home usually have a wish list too,” adding that those seeking love and wanting a new property will be ask the same questions about the person or agent they have entrusted with the task:

– Is this the best possible matchmaker/property expert? – Does this matchmaker/property expert have access to the right quality of people/properties? – How quickly can I tell if they really understand what I am looking for? – Ultimately, will I achieve what I have set out to accomplish with this matchmaker/property expert?

“My goal each time is for my client to meet the match I have proposed and feel that instant recognition of this is exactly what I was looking for,” said MacLynn.

“As an expert in real estate you want the same experience for your clients when they walk into a property for the first time,” she explained. “The time and energy you put into profiling your client at the start of your relationship will result in showing them property that really matches their dream, as well as cementing their trust in your expertise.”

Her company, the Vida Consultancy, provides a bespoke matchmaking service which claims to combine intelligence, psychology and business expertise. And, here at Terra Meridiana, we always heed MacLynn’s advice to match our clients with the best possible properties on the Costa del Sol.

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